Privacy Policy

Nankai Express Co., Ltd. shall handle and protect the customers’ personal information in accordance with the “Act on the Protection of personal information” of Japan, in order to respect the privacy, our officers and all employees are important about the protection of personal information

1.Obtaining Personal Information

We shall acquire the customers’ personal information through appropriate and fair means and use itwithin the range necessary to achieve the purpose of use.

2.Purpose of Using Personal Information

When using the customers’ personal information, we will use it within the range of the purpose of use specified, notified or announced in advance. If it becomes necessary to use the customers’ personal information beyond this range, we shall obtain consent for its use unless permitted by law.

3.Managementof Personal Information

When handling personal information, we shall appoint an administrator for each department that manages the customers’ personal information to prevent unauthorized access to personal information, loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, etc. and for other safety management.
In addition, when we outsource the processing of personal information to a contractor, we will supervise the proper safety management.

4.Provision of Personal Information to a Third Party

We shall not provide or disclose the Customers’ personal information to third parties unless we have obtained prior consent or are permitted by law.
However, based on laws and regulations, the Customers’personal information may be provided in response to requests from public institutions.

5.Inquiry / correction of the Customers’ Personal Information

When we receive a request for inquiry or correction of personal information, we will respond appropriately according to the provisions of laws and regulations.
In addition, we may determine the documents to be submitted when making a request and the method of identity verification.

6.Compliance with laws and regulations and initiatives

We shall comply with laws and regulations related to the “Act on the Protection of personal information”, and shall sincerely work on the above items. In addition, we will continuously review the handling of the Customers’ personal information and strive to improve it.

【Inquiries of the Customers’ Personal Information】

Nankai Express Co., Ltd.
Nankai SK Namba Bldg., 12F., 1-10-4, Namba-Naka, Naniwa-Ku, Osaka 556-0011 Japan

Phone 81 – 6 – 6632 – 6531 (0900 to 1800 except Sat/Sun and Public holiday)


For more information, please contact

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